There are many ways to donate to Quest 2020:
Donate online: | Click this link to donate online with a debit/credit card or PayPal on our secure CAF fund-raising site. |
By standing order payment: | To make a regular donation, click this link to view/download/print a standing order form. Complete the form and send it to the Parish Office, St Thomas’s Square, Salisbury SP1 1BA |
By cash donation: | Use the blue donation envelope in the church. Post in our black safe. |
Send a cheque or money order: | Enclose a cheque / postal order/ CAF voucher made payable to: The Guild of St Thomas and St Edmund. Send to Parish Office, St Thomas’s Square, Salisbury SP1 1BA |
By bank credit transfer: | Make payment to: The Guild of St Thomas and St Edmund and reference: Guild (and your name). Sort code 54-41-19; Account No. 56180314 |
By loan: | Please email the Parish Office |
By legacy: | A legacy would be very valuable to the Guild. Please consider arranging a legacy. Please email the Parish Office for details. |